Tuesday, January 5, 2010

My piece of Reflective Thinking (part of reflective essay)

The child psychology study constitutes my belief that nature and nurture plays an important role in every child development and rearing. In nature, the developmental of children is the product of genetic inheritance, biology and maturation and it is the primary influence in them. In contrast, nurture broadly construed for children’s experiences including parenting, education, learning, cultural influence that primarily responsible for a child’s development. Each child developed according to his or her inner timetable, regardless of learning or experience. And we are the product of an ongoing interaction between the influence of our personal life experiences and the contribution of our unique genetic endowment, within the culture we live. In fact, I believe both genetic and environment influences work together in dynamic ways over the course of development to shape the architecture of a child’s developing brain. I have started to repent all my past wrongdoings through reflection and adopt active coaching, sharing of knowledge, active learning and listening with my sons and making learning more fun in an effective and efficient adequate manner. It is crucial to practice self continuum reflections and as well recognizing some of the disadvantages of the common punishments when I try to modify my own and sons’ behaviour:

1. Cease corporal punishment. It will mislead and infer that violence is an accepted method of disciplining a misbehaving child. It may hurt and harm my children emotionally and physically. Bearing in mind that there is no quick fix in the process of molding a child for acceptable good behavior.
2. Stop Verbal Punishment. No scolding, shouting or yelling. Verbal and overt anger may cause insulting, threatening, demoralize of my children’s self-esteem and confidence, and the showing of resentment that elicited negative emotional response e.g. anxiety.
3. Being a good role model myself as children learn best through adult demonstration like self control over agitation, staying calmly, being kind, firm and patient.

Last but not least, through my observation in past few months, Angel 1 has shown more maturing in his emotional and cognitive growth and that he is less impulsive when he is facing challenges or changes. He seemed more happy, calm and has become more organized in his daily chores without my involvement e.g. packing his own school bag, doing his homework with more concentration and cooking small meals for himself or his brother. Before I end this sharing, I received a piece of good news from MOE that he has passed his primary school leaving exams and qualified him for normal academic stream in secondary school start from year 2010. My heartfelt thanks to all.

from the desk of

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Counting my blessing....

The valuable leason I learnt over the recession period:

Cherish my MERITs not to waste, stop buying what I want but need. One of the most valuable life lesson I learnt during months of unemployment in 2009 (Jan-Sep 09).
Blessed me kiddos have also learnt to appreciate what they have and understand the difference between needs and wants....:-)

Thanks GOD for giving me strength, given me 'life' for a reason, taught the lessons for a reason. Though, at time I may not understand his reasonings behind those lessons, I'm surely I will eventually.

God bless all, sleep tight.

Sunday, August 9, 2009

A Date with Leonardo Da Vinci on 9 Aug 09

Today, is the most wonderful day and time spent with Da Vinci at Science Centre S'pore.
He embraces my soul with few interesting quotes instead of his passionate kisses...

1. Knowing is not enough,
We must APPLY;
Being willing is not enough,
We must DO.

2. As a well spent day brings happy sleep,
So a life well spent brings happy death.

3. There are 3 classes of people:
Those who see,
Those who see when they shown,
Those who do not see.

Wished that I'm your Mona Lisa....lives in your heart with aspiration and inspiration.

Monday, May 11, 2009

Reaching for the Stars

A thought:

When I am reaching for the stars, it's important to keep my feet firmly on the ground and my head high in the cloud. It's all about balance. I'm seeing the world, learning from different cultures and give back to society via moneytary support / knowledge sharing through community sevices. As this process help to nurture my mind, my heart, IQ & EQ. I'm learning to understand the importance of maturity, empathy, character, soul and above all, Humility & Humanity.

I live life to the fullest as if it is my last...untill the day Almighty come to bring me with him and bit my goodbye to all. Ommmmmmmmm

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Milestone -1

I better pen this down before it slip off my mind. My attachment at St Clare Int'l School on 2 Apr 09 was an eye opening for knowing, seeing special need students in school. My short stint at School has certainly evoked a sence of nostalgia; warm-hearted, helpful and caring of the Teachers and Assistant Teachers I've ever met and of course the lovely children too. There were total 8 students in my class one girls and 7 boys from the age group 7-14 (4 from India, 1 from Japan, 1 Korea, and 2 were local). All of the children were so unique and lovely. Although, all of you in my class merely use speech to comminicate but point and shown of picture to convey your thought and needs using PECS (lack of speech). Children, I felt your hospitalitise and sincerity though. I personally find the school's forward-looking vision and its team of very dedicated staff an invaluable source of motivation and encouragement for me to do my very best in Child Psychology and Educational Study.

Children, do you know what I have learnt from you? "Lives life in presence and don't take life for granted" and I shall bear in mind if one day I'm back to teach again, "Learn from Your Students, They are Your Best Teachers."

God bless everyone, everyone's beauty of the spirit.

Friday, May 1, 2009

Salute to Teachers

My salute to Teachers I met lately from schools- mainstream & special school. And, of course teachers I saw and met online too!

There is much to be said being a Teacher for the experiences in classrooms and in non-classroooms. They are the ones who help foster reciprocal learning, mold ethical culture, and help evolve positive long-term relationships in knowledge cultivation between learners. Teaching, helping children to grow and develop is certainly one of the most visible and engaging activities. It is also one of the venue that brings fulfillment, contentment and sactisfaction while seeing children achieved their goal in life. "Children, your accomplishment in knowledge acquiring and growth as a upright citizens is a Teacher's best trophy in life."

Children, please do join me in prayer to thank all of your Teachers for their IMMEASURABLE contribution.

With GOD blessing,
May Teachers be free from all ailments,
May Teachers be loved, respected by all,
May Teachers overcome their difficulties,
May Teachers be blessed with wisdom, good health, strength, and peace.

Monday, April 27, 2009

Have You Been Mindful to Earth-1

My kudos to all human beings who has participated in the Earth Hours on 28 Mar 2009.

For those who has not taken any form of action to protect our planet, please give yourself a min to think as to how, when, what you can do in your daily living to contribute for our mother nature, our earth.

It is imperative that we take immediate action to reduce pollution. I urge everyone of you take your vows and actions to go green. Each of your mindful effort to go green will make a tremendous change to earth - a better place to live. We human being owe the earth........as well as to the next generation!!!
p/s picture by william shasheen

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Storytelling & Reading Alound

I love storytelling, sharing, and reading with children. Storytelling and reading is an important "ritual" in early literacy cultivation from birth, infancy to early adolescence; through storytelling children develop listening, speaking skills and construct sentenses; building concepts e.g. colour, shapes, problem solving, promotes self-esteem and of course it further enhance their appreciation in reading.In my classroom storytelling, I had tried hand made puppets, masks and invited children participate in the story play for particular stories. I realised these props and activities does not only serve as a tools for stimulating children's auditory, visual but capture my playful classroom pals' attention, promotes optimal learning retention and their kinesthetic learning modalities too...

A nice presentable puppet not just fascinated and inspired children but to engage their vast fantasy imagination. Briefly, to further enrich the storytelling session, do consider extensive children participation. My suggestions are as follows :

1) Each child shall be given a copy of Vocabulary Bank Book to deposit newwords that they have learnt from the storytelling session. The number ofnew words to be deposited should be set by the Facilitator accordingly tothe learning pace of each individual child (e.g. for fast learner : 5 newwords per week). There will be a reward for the child when he/she has reached the set target number of new words to be learnt at their level.-Improve the children's ability to produce and comprehend a language
2) Invite/encourage children to participate in storytelling competition (by letting them pick their favourite story). Points will be given based oponfacial expression, good utterance, creativity and imagination etc....-Enhance/improve the child's communicative competence, memory andunderstanding.
3) Let the children participate in the making their ideal puppet from thestory they have selected.-Enhance/improve their fine motor skill, eye-hand co-ordination andcreativities-Encourage them to use recycled material when making their puppet, therebycultivating the "Go Green" concept of recycle, reuse and reproduce.

Last but not least, do pay attention to the fairytale stories that these fairytale stories itself comes with ideas and concepts that has been argued for decades in children's literature, like stealing or killing in Jack and the Beanstalk, Hansel & Gretel etc....is good to read it with adults' supervision.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

A Quote

“Peace of Mind” is the Product I Carry,
“Integrity & Knowledge” is the Service and Sharing I Render to all children and educational facilitators.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Ways to Help Children With Short Attention Span or Hyperactive

Lets me drop a few tips for handling children whom suffer from ADHD / ADD. They are the one uses to struggle with changes to routine and need to know what to expect. Beside medication, behaviour motification, home and classroom strategies and sometime counselling can all help children with such deficit at home and at school.

1) Verbal Instructions
-Keep instruction brief and clear; ask the child to repeat the instruction to make sure he/she have taken it in and understood it.
-Say the child's name / tap them on the shoulder to make and keep eye contact when giving important information.

2) Keeping Structure
-Have a fixed routine, display the daily schedule and brief the child the classroom rule and house rule.
-Tell the child in advance of any change in the schedule or warning of change and remind them more than once.
-To encourage the child to complere their homework, parents can:
>make teh work environment attractive but not distracting
>have regular scheduled time for homework
-Keep choices to minimum.

3) Written Work and Other Learning Strategies
- Use one-to-one instruction as often as possible
- A class 'buddy' who gets along well with the child, can helpful to reinforce instructions and direction.
-Make sure activities include plenty of 'hands-on' components.
-Physical environment, do keep the child sit near the front of the classroom decrease distractions. And, sit the child near classmates who will be good role models.
-a quiet place without clutter is important for homework.
-Build rest-break in between the lesson e.g. do structured tasks, errands such as delivering notes to General office

4) Self-esteem
- Encourage the child to take part in activities in which they will experience success.
-Set achievable goals.
-Acknowledge the child's achievements by congratulation them verbally and in written ways such as notes or certificates.
-Help the child to feel important in the classroom e.g. acknowledge their effort to do a task even if they don't succeed. Review with the child their accomplishments for the day.
-Attend to learning difficulties as soon as possible to restore self-confidence.

5) Social Skills
-Reward appropriate behaviour such as sharing and cooperating.
-Teach the child appropriate responses when they feel provoked eg teach them walk away or talk to the teacher.
-Talk with the child about the consequences of their actions upon themselves and others.
-Encourage the child to join activities where 'supervised socialisation' is available, such as Scouts or sporting groups.

Key Points to REMEMBER
  • Teachers / Caregivers, be sensitive to parents' feelings - they have the difficult task of raising a child with ADHD / ADD. Also, help parents to feel proud of their child-find positive things to share with them about their child on a regular basis. This can be done in front of the child.
  • Acknowledge and reward achievements and positive behaviour often.
  • Medication, positive-parenting strategies, school support and counselling can help most children with ADHD / ADD and their families.

May my sharing help you to raise a happy, healthy child. My blessing and love to all Children.